This world consists of many "tangled phone lines" - a variety of ideas, beliefs, and traditions that tug at different directions trying to validate their point. Who's to say that someone who believes in the gods or God himself, is incorrect? I don't think we need "scientific" evidence or formulas in order to validate their existence. Perhaps it is something far beyond the reach of any intelligence or scientific study that gives you written proof of its existence. I am constantly reading about believers having to open their minds and be accepting to the proven facts and the non-existence of God or the gods due to lack of solid evidence, what about the scientists or philosophers? Perhaps, they too should open their minds to the possibility that their "intelligence" hasn't gotten their testing methods advanced enough to come up with a way to prove or disprove the existence of God or other gods. But "we" were wrong about the gods and "we" were wrong about ourselves? How so? This has yet to be proven, in my opinion.
As I have said before, whether scientifically proven or not, every human being possesses the ability to interpret, perceive, and practice a belief or study the way they see it fit. What is true to me is not true for the person sitting next to me, but that does not make me any more correct than they are and vice versa. There are many studies in our Science books that none of us living today have ever seen or touched ourselves, why do people believe, teach, and study that material? Did you physically test it and see it or are you just relying on someone else's written word? Isn't this the same as believing in the written words of a bible? Sounds like it to me...
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