Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Flipped Video Lesson # 3

The Limits of Science:  Illuminated Ideas in 56 seconds

Do you think it may be possible to exceed our cranial limits?  If not, why not?  If so, how so?

Absolutely!!  It is one of those things, like many in philosophy, that we will never have a clear and definite answer.  I do, however, believe that it is impossible to stop learning or understanding.  Yes, our cranium only goes so far, but that does not mean our understanding and logic does too.  We can live an entire lifetime and never stop learning or understanding. 

How can anyone believe that there is a limit on our understanding?  Even when visiting Einstein's Limit of Light that says that we can only see so far with our telescopes within the parameters of relativity, it may be true that yes, you can only see so far, but that doesn't mean that the object(s) you're viewing necessarily end there.  For example, if you were to take a telescope and look into the sky, you'll only be able to see so far, but there is an entire universe beyond that that cannot be seen and its end cannot be determined.  With that being said, I do believe that it is possible to exceed our cranial limits.

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